Reach your sales goals easier, fas­ter and cheaper.

VAIT Group tech­no­lo­gy for sales, mar­ke­ting, and cus­to­mer ser­vice can be uti­lized in various
sec­tors and tar­get groups.


Our tech­no­lo­gy can be uti­lized for count­less purposes.

Here are only a few examples whe­re our clients have used VAIT Group
intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot to inc­rea­se sales and efficiency:

New cus­to­mer acquisition

A com­pa­ny in the con­struc­tion sec­tor had the chal­len­ge of inc­rea­sing the num­ber of cus­to­mer visits to their line of busi­ness repre­sen­ting high­ly specia­lized pro­ducts. VAIT Group intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot sol­ved the problem by cal­ling tar­ge­ted cus­to­mers in pin­poin­ted areas and defi­ning their sales poten­tial. The sales agents were able to focus their visits only on tho­se poten­tial cus­to­mers that had shown an ini­tial inte­rest in the company’s pro­duct. The approach inc­rea­sed sales and whi­le saving costs and resources. Since then we have inc­rea­sed the num­ber of cam­paigns along with the num­ber of vocal chatbots.

Mar­ket research

Our clients wan­ted to have a bet­ter unders­tan­ding of their sec­tor, brand awa­re­ness and mar­ket posi­tion. VAIT Group execu­ted a mar­ket sur­vey that was also tar­ge­ted to iden­ti­fy new busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties from both exis­ting and poten­tial cus­to­mers. VAIT Group’s intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot enables efficient sur­veying met­hods for a wide ran­ge of the­ma­tic topics.


Cus­to­mer feedback

A par­ticu­lar client wan­ted to research how satis­fied its cus­to­mers were. VAIT Group intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot cal­led through the com­pa­ny’s enti­re cus­to­mer regis­ter in a single day. The results were so success­ful that the client deci­ded to con­ti­nue the fol­low-up four times a year to have the most up-to-date infor­ma­tion on cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion possible.



VAIT Group execu­ted a per­son­nel rec­ruit­ment cam­paign for an exis­ting client that had alrea­dy inc­rea­sed its sales bey­ond expec­ta­tion with VAIT ser­vices and now requi­red new staf­fing resources to fill much-nee­ded posi­tions. Our intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot was able to screen a vast num­ber of poten­tial can­di­da­tes efficient­ly and cost-effec­ti­ve­ly to find the most qua­li­fied candidates.

Emplo­yer image

VAIT Group vocal chat­bot has the abi­li­ty to con­tact and inter­view an enti­re work­force of a lar­ge cor­po­ra­tion and disco­ver what the genui­ne atti­tu­de toward an emplo­yer may be. This process is easi­ly repea­table and can enable a com­pa­ny to fol­low up on the stu­dy with policy deve­lop­ments to help antici­pa­te inter­nal conflicts and resol­ve them befo­re they even materialize.



+ 358 44 988 1380

Arvi Karis­ton Katu 11 B 25, Hämeenlinna

Y‑tunnus 2823867–8

Let us know how we can help your com­pa­ny to reach ever-hig­her pla­teaus of success.