VAIT — Speech Robot Tech­no­lo­gy:
sales, appoint­ments, mar­ket research

“We crea­ted a solu­tion to inc­rea­se sales. Soon we found out that we had beco­me an inter­na­tio­nal sales tech­no­lo­gy provider.
Our first prio­ri­ty was to inc­rea­se sales and sol­ve problems in cus­to­mer ser­vice. We unders­tood that the tech­no­lo­gy we had deve­lo­ped had huge poten­tial and could be imple­men­ted wit­hin a vast array of busi­ness ventures.

VAIT — Speech Robot Tech­no­lo­gy: sales, appoint­ments, mar­ket research

“We crea­ted a solu­tion to inc­rea­se sales. Soon we found out that we had beco­me an inter­na­tio­nal sales tech­no­lo­gy provider.”
Our first prio­ri­ty was to inc­rea­se sales and sol­ve problems in cus­to­mer ser­vice. We unders­tood that the tech­no­lo­gy we had deve­lo­ped had huge poten­tial and could be imple­men­ted wit­hin a vast array of busi­ness ventures.


VAIT Group foun­ders are long term sales pro­fes­sio­nals. The tech­no­lo­gy they deve­lo­ped sprang from the desi­re to sol­ve a basic problem: how to free sales and cus­to­mer ser­vice per­son­nel from the time con­su­ming task of hun­ting for leads over the telep­ho­ne and enable them to focus on cus­to­mers that have alrea­dy demon­stra­ted an inte­rest in their pro­ducts or services.

VAIT = Vir­tual­ly Assis­ted Intel­li­gent Technology

Our way of working

A rewar­ding cus­to­mer ser­vice expe­rience and an intel­li­gent softwa­re solu­tion to inc­rea­se your sales.

Good cus­to­mer ser­vice requi­res that a cus­to­mer recei­ved the desi­red ser­vice con­ve­nient­ly and quickly through the selec­ted chan­nel. For example, time reser­va­tion is often over­ly complica­ted which only ser­ves to frustra­te a cus­to­mer. Our ser­vices can refi­ne and simpli­fy that process lea­ving your cus­to­mer with a posi­ti­ve impres­sion of your services.

We have deve­lo­ped an intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot that unders­tands your client’s speach pat­terns and res­ponds in a natu­ral man­ner. The intel­li­gent bot never gets tired and is efficient in reser­ving time or doing other deter­mi­ned tasks whi­le lea­ving per­son­nel to do more deman­ding and rewar­ding sales or cus­to­mer ser­vice work.

Our solu­tions efficient­ly use pho­ne calls and text mes­sa­ges. We help growth-focused com­pa­nies to crea­te a com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge in sales to succeed both local­ly and glo­bal­ly. A pas­sion for more efficient sales – VAIT Group.

VAIT Group can help you:

  • When you want to book your calen­dar full of cus­to­mer leads that are alrea­dy inte­res­ted in your pro­ducts or ser­vices ● Inc­rea­se sales
  • When you need a reliable and efficient way to make mar­ket sur­veys or Gallups
  • When you need to reach and com­mu­nica­te with a mem­ber of a lar­ge audience individually


Reach your sales goals easier, fas­ter and cheaper.

New cus­to­mer acquisition

A com­pa­ny in the con­struc­tion sec­tor had the chal­len­ge of inc­rea­sing the num­ber of cus­to­mer visits to their line of busi­ness repre­sen­ting high­ly specia­lized products. 

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Mar­ket research

Our clients wan­ted to have a bet­ter unders­tan­ding of their sec­tor, brand awa­re­ness and mar­ket position.

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Cus­to­mer feedback

A par­ticu­lar client wan­ted to research how satis­fied its cus­to­mers were. VAIT Group intel­li­gent vocal chat­bot cal­led through the com­pa­ny’s enti­re cus­to­mer regis­ter in a single day.

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VAIT Group execu­ted a per­son­nel rec­ruit­ment cam­paign for an exis­ting client that had alrea­dy
inc­rea­sed its sales bey­ond expec­ta­tion with VAIT ser­vices and now requi­red new staf­fing
resources to fill much-nee­ded positions.

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Emplo­yer image

VAIT Group vocal chat­bot has the abi­li­ty to con­tact and inter­view an enti­re work­force of a lar­ge cor­po­ra­tion and disco­ver what the genui­ne atti­tu­de toward an emplo­yer may be. 

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+ 358 44 988 1380

Arvi Karis­ton Katu 11 B 25, Hämeenlinna

Y‑tunnus 2823867–8

Let us know how we can help your com­pa­ny to reach ever-hig­her pla­teaus of success.